Whistleblower Drops Bombshell: FBI Knew Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was the Real Deal Months Before It Made the News

We seem to live in a never-ending blur of 24-hour news, delivered by establishment media outlets that paint a picture of the current geopolitical situation that Jackson Pollack might have found a bit scattershot.

Because of this, you might not remember the name Nina Jankowicz — even though, just a little over a year ago, she was very important for a few weeks. Jankowicz was tasked to head what President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security called the “Disinformation Governance Board” — a body with a wide purview to debunk media narratives it deemed untruthful.

After the board became widely derided as something akin to the “Ministry of Truth” in George Orwell’s “1984” and Jankowicz’s questionable history with both disinformation and musical theater (particularly musical theater) became better known, the board was quietly killed off. Jankowicz was last seen registering as a foreign agent for the U.K.-based Centre for Information Resilience.

Now, why do I bring up Ms. Jankowicz, aside from her terrible singing? Well, as it turns out, the woman whom President Joe Biden’s administration wanted in charge of deciding what was disinformation and what wasn’t had Some Opinions™ on Hunter Biden’s laptop: “We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz said before the 2020 election, according to the New York Post. She was also the author of these tweets:

We now know, of course, that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were real and in no way a disinformation operation connected to the Kremlin, the Trump campaign or any other malign actor. That’s not the story here.

The story is, by the time Jankowicz and some in the intelligence community were pushing the idea that the Hunter laptop was some sort of Muscovite operation, a memo written by a now-whistleblower shows the FBI had already authenticated the contents of the laptop — and had been investigating them for nearly a year before the election.

The proof for that is in the memo describing an FBI meeting that was obtained by Just the News’ John Solomon from whistleblower Gary Shapley, a supervisory criminal investigative agent with the IRS.

The memo, written by Shapley, described an October 2020 meeting of an FBI team “trying to determine if anything was added to the computer by a third party … by people who are not the defendant in this case.” The analysts determined there was “no reason to believe there is anything fabricated nefariously on the computer and or hard drive,” the memo states.

“There are emails and other items that corroborate the items on the laptop and hard drive,” the memo states.

According to the memo, the roughly two-hour meeting took place Oct. 22, 2020, eight days after the first reports regarding the contents of the laptop — and of Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine, China and elsewhere — began being reported by outlets like the New York Post and U.K. Daily Mail.

The memo, Solomon wrote, “provided a chronology of how the FBI validated the laptop as having belonged to Hunter Biden as early as November 2019 and by spring 2020 was exploiting and analyzing its emails, text messages and photos.”

The memo begins by noting that “Sportsman” — the Secret Service code name for Hunter Biden — reportedly brought three laptops into a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in April of 2019. Biden was confirmed to be in Wilmington on that day, since financial records show he visited a cigar shop and [o]ther intelligence shows Sportsman was in the area.”

The computer shop then told Biden to bring an external hard drive in order to transfer data off of the computers, which could not be fixed. “Phone records show shop called Sportsman and sportsman called the shop around this time,” the report said. It noted that the “computer shop always kept a copy of the customers [sic] data for a period of time before purging the data off his system.”

Then, in October of 2019, the report states, a man contacted the FBI office in Albuquerque, New Mexico to report “his son is in possession of a sportsman computer that had not been retrieved and was not paid for… said it contains evidence of white collar crime… he did not view this data personally.”

By December of 2019, the FBI had the laptop and the hard drive and began forensic analysis in January of 2020, according to the memo. By March, it seems, FBI analysts were able to get into Hunter’s iMessage and iPhone messages after they found a business card with the password on it.

This forensic analysis continued until at least May of 2020. According to the memo, “[s]omeone asked if we could tell if files had been added by the computer shop. The computer guy said they could do a … list that shows when everything was created. He said that the laptop was ‘returned to original.’”

In other words, between December of 2019 and May of 2020, Hunter Biden’s waterlogged MacBook and the data he saved on it underwent what seems to be rigorous analysis from the FBI, and it seems everything checked out as genuine, including the problematic stuff — like the Burisma and China emails, the videos of the veep’s son smoking the highly refined form of the coca plant with highly refined escorts of the Eastern European variety, etc., etc.

In addition, Shapley said during his May 26 deposition before the House Ways and Means Committee that the “FBI verified its authenticity in November of 2019 by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID,” according to testimony released Thursday.

But the intelligence community! The media! Nina Jankowicz! They all told us this was Russian disinformation and we couldn’t see it, especially not social media.

Except the FBI knew months before that everything gross and corrupt on Hunter Biden’s MacBooks was real.

Hacks like Nina Jankowicz, along with every other serious tech and disinformation analyst, had to know that the FBI’s refusal to cast doubt on the contents of the laptops — everything from the shady business dealings to the videos of Hunter indulging in crack cocaine whilst in the company of Eastern European courtesans — was de facto proof that the laptop was legit.

Yet, Nina Jankowicz — the woman President Joe Biden’s DHS wanted to hand over the keys to America’s very first “Ministry of Truth” to — was willing to prostitute her reputation as a “disinformation expert” to protect this dissolute prostitute-chaser and (more importantly) the Big Guy, his father. It’s so easy to forget that, isn’t it?

In addition to registering as a foreign agent, I’d say it’s high time for Jankowicz to register as a Democrat lobbyist, as well. Oh, and stop singing. Please.

The post Whistleblower Drops Bombshell: FBI Knew Hunter Biden's Laptop Was the Real Deal Months Before It Made the News appeared first on The Western Journal.

Source: Western Journal Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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