Watch: Biden Stumbles Up Stairs in Philadelphia


Joe Biden once again faced off against – and lost to – what has proven to be his greatest nemesis during his tenure: stairs.

In yet another embarrassing stumble, “Beijing Biden” tripped while making his way to a stage in Philadelphia on Friday to discuss his “Bidenomics” agenda.

The fall comes as Biden should be projecting strength on the world stage in the face of calls from radical Islamists for global jihadist terror attacks Friday.

The gaffe marks the latest incident in what has become a recurring theme in the Biden White House, with staff openly acknowledging the need to remain vigilant to prevent the 80-year-old from stumbling or falling.

“Since his stumble in June, he has been wearing tennis shoes more often to avoid slipping — and using the short stairs on Air Force One, entering the plane on a lower deck than before,” Axios noted last month, citing worries from Democrats, “including some in the administration,” that he could suffer a “bad fall” in the immediate run-up to the election.

While most Americans are aware of Biden’s propensity for falling, his presidential campaign and administration are keen on keeping the public in the dark about his age and health.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Watch this Jun 17, 2021, archive video from the Alex Jones Show: “The Ongoing Public Disintegration of Joe Biden”

Source: News Wars Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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