Watch: 8th Grader Documents LGBT Indoctrination Inside Public School


An eighth grader in Colorado surreptitiously filmed inside his school, documenting the inordinate amount of LGBT propaganda being crammed down students’ throats on a daily basis.

The 13-year-old’s mother shared footage on social media Wednesday revealing one of her son’s classes being shown a film about October being LGBT history month, prominent figures in the LGBT community and related observances.

The video shown to the class can be overheard stating:

…And the year following Stonewall, people marched in New York in what’s now considered the first pride parade. LGBT history month was created by a Missouri history teacher in October of 1994 and is on the Education Association’s list of commemorative months. It coincides with National Coming Out Day on October 11th and October 20th Spirit Day, on which people wear purple to support LGBT youth. October 12th is also the day in 1998 that Matthew Shepard, a young gay man in Wyoming, was beaten to death in a hate crime. Shepard became the symbol for acceptance and equal rights. Now the month of October is a time to learn about LGBT history, but also celebrate the achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

In a caption, the boy’s mother explained her son wanted to show her images and video he’d taken showing LGBT symbology found throughout his school.

“He, like many kids his age, has been wary of taking a ‘stand’ against this… has just tried to tolerate it all, hoping it will pass with the next semester… or the next… or the next… but it never does,” the mom detailed. “So, he came home yesterday and told me he’d taken some pictures and videos of the things around his school. That it’s EVERYWHERE, and he wanted us to see.”

According to the concerned mother, her son wanted the photos and video to be shared on social media “because he wants a change. His friends do too.”

The mother’s testimony came in response to an X post by @EndWokeness which showed LGBT events and observances have manifested in nearly every month of the year.

Considering the unprecedented indoctrination flooding schools by the commies in control of the education system, it will be a miracle if this generation’s students graduate unscathed by the leftist propaganda.

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Source: News Wars Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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