(CHARISMA NEWS) – Christian media giant Thomas R. Horn died today after battling severe cardiovascular issues. The founder, host and CEO of SkyWatch TV and founder of Whispering Ponies Ranch and Defender Publishing, Horn was a longtime television and radio personality, bestselling author of dozens of books and publisher of many others.
SkyWatch TV posted the following statement on X: “Tom Horn has gone home to be with the Lord. Thank you to everyone who lifted him and our family up fervently in prayer these last several days.”
Per a statement from SkyWatch, Horn “launched two news services where coverage of latest-breaking news and information on cutting-edge stories covering religion, prophecy, discovery, and the supernatural through in-depth investigative reports led to his network of writers being referenced and interviewed by the biggest names in broadcasting.” He appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show,” “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!”, Daystar TV’s “Celebration,” “The 700 Club” and many more.
TRENDING: Hate Trump all you like, the gag order is still wrong
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