The Midterm Plot Against Donald Trump

A popular trick of professional politicians is to write or vote for bills that they know will never pass. They usually do this to please their constituency while at the same time having a good an excuse as to why a bill didn’t pass. It’s one of the tools that’s used to play the noncommittal game of being onĀ  ‘both sides and the middle’. It allows them to make deals with the other side. And it’s a game that Lyndsay Graham is known to frequently play. Graham is also known for saying seemingly politically stupid things at the oddest times. These qualities, among others, made Graham the perfect partner to help Mitch McConnel restrain the MAGA vote during the midterm elections.

The plot against Donald Trump (and MAGA voters) by McConnel and Graham is outlined in the following video by the YouTube Channel, “Mr. Reagan”. In the video a possible reason why Graham called for an unnecessary national law to ban abortion is exposed. And how that could have worked hand-in-hand with Mitch McConnel’s plan to underfund MAGA candidates.

Toward the end of the video is great explanation of what could be going on between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.


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