The Four Most Deadly Vaccines Given To Humans

Even the most allopathic “believers” will immediately disregard your “conspiracy hypothesis” if you mention vaccine-related ailments even once. These same people will whine and confess all their health issues to you, talk about autistic children, children with terrible allergies, and children with unexplained immune system abnormalities, but they will not for even a moment discuss the lethal chemicals in vaccines. How come?

The CDC has promoted vaccines as the medical equivalent of the “Holy Grail,” a panacea that prevents everyone from dying from terrifying infectious diseases that nothing else on earth can cure. However, billions of individuals live their whole lives without ever receiving a single vaccination, and on the whole, these people are much healthier than the “completely vaccinated” droids and zombies who appear to spend the majority of their time battling unidentified diseases.

Did you know that autism is not a congenital condition? From birth to age 6, children receive more than 60 toxic injections into their blood, containing everything from abortion cells to genetically modified viruses and bacteria, not to mention latex, peanut oil, dairy, MSG, formaldehyde, and kidney cells infected with African green monkeys. This is how the “spectrum” develops in children.

It’s time to research the most risky vaccines if you or a loved one has CNS illnesses, stomach disorders, or intellectual difficulties.
Have health issues that your pediatrician or doctor just can’t seem to “fix” by doling out prescribed medications? It’s most certainly vaccine toxin syndrome, or VTS. Even though the components in many vaccines closely correspond to the ingredients in the majority of severe food allergies, there is not a single US doctor who can or will identify the cause, and the problems only get worse the more vaccines you receive.

Even worse, the “vaccinations” for COVID-19 aren’t actually vaccines at all. They are spike protein injections (clot shots) that block the blood and exacerbate existing medical conditions, such as myocarditis, abnormalities of the central nervous system, cognitive function, and motor skills. The COVID-19 vaccine and boosters are the most deadly “vaccines” on the globe since they aren’t actually vaccines at all, but everyone who receives them believes they are. So here they are: the four most deadly vaccines ever manufactured, shown by stunning facts.

1. “Vaccines” for COVID-19
Nobody who has had billions of injections of spike proteins, or the “technology” (mRNA) that causes your cells to mutate into producing them, has the slightest idea of the true “science” underlying it, or else they would never receive them in the first place. The Fauci Flu vaccinations are 300 times more lethal than any other vaccine ever created and distributed with FDA approval. That indicates that no other vaccination comes close to being as harmful as the 70 vaccines developed and approved by the FDA over the course of several decades in terms of injuries and deaths they have caused.

More than 12,000 vaccine-related deaths have been reported in the USA so far, according to VAERS statistics (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). Since most people don’t even think vaccine poisons, specifically billions of virus-mimicking spike proteins, were the cause of sending their loved ones to the hospital or an early grave, that system lags behind real time and only accurately depicts a small portion of the percentage of actual cases. Therefore, the Fauci Flu vaccine is more lethal than an atomic bomb.

2. MMR vaccination
The majority of parents would be astonished to learn just how much riskier receiving the measles vaccine is than contracting the disease. One adverse reaction noted on the measles vaccine warning insert informs you that the vaccination itself may result in a fever so high that the sufferer may undergo a seizure. Every 3,000 injections, one individual experiences this. Additionally, Dr. William Thompson, the head scientist at the CDC, established the connection between the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella) and these diseases.

Why is the MMR such a danger? Shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain, and skin reactions are all brought on by the bovine cow serum that is contained in it. This serum is made from cow skin and when injected, it causes connective tissue problems, arthritis, and lupus. The MMR vaccine also contains WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts and recombinant human albumin, which is the protein component of blood from pooled human venous plasma that, when injected, results in fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, difficulty breathing, and a rapid heartbeat.

3. Polio vaccine
How many Americans would still think vaccines are the “holy grail” of modern medicine if everyone knew that up to 98 million Americans were exposed to concealed cancer viruses when they received the polio vaccine? How many Americans would still believe in the “safety and efficacy” of those shots if they knew that oral polio “vaccines” increase the polio cases of paralysis in children?

The oral polio vaccine (OPV), created by Albert Sabin, uses the virus after it has been passed through several animals to weaken the strain but not kill it, in contrast to the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), created by Jonas Salk, which employs dead poliomyelitis cells. Kids who already have weak immune systems from receiving so many harmful shots are unable to properly fight off the weak live virus, and as a result, they spread it to other people. This disproves the conventional “herd idea” and contributes to the spread of polio rather than halting it.

4. Rotavirus vaccination
The rotavirus vaccination “RotaTeq” includes a lethal porcine (pig) virus that has no business being present in any medication, anywhere, at any time. Nevertheless, it is included in a vaccine that is administered twice to very young children. It is so fatal that it can cause a child’s intestines to tangle and curl up into themselves like a telescope (a condition known as intussusception). A kid could die from this. Paul Offit, the dirty jab’s creator, made millions of dollars in pharmaceutical profits. Ironically, the vaccine itself frequently results in diarrhea, vomiting, fever, wheezing, coughing, ear infection, severe stomach pain, and blood in the stool, despite its purported protection against rotavirus infection, which causes fever, vomiting, and diarrhea that can cause fluid loss, dehydration, hospitalization, and death. Oh, right.

For updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis, and severe, ongoing inflammation, go to


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