Originally Authored at TheFederalist.com

President-elect Donald Trump’s White House win this week was his first electoral victory in the TikTok era. Liberal tears might have flowed across the internet eight years ago, but that was nothing compared to the flooding that overtook the left’s favorite video platform after Trump triumphed for a second time.
The online teardrops started tumbling even before the former president reclaimed the title earlier this week.
“I hate you, you f-ck-ng orange pumpkin,” said one sobbing woman. “You just cost me one of the most important people in my life, my dad.”
Because only a totally normal and healthy person would post a sob story about disavowing family members over political differences on the internet.
Of course, plenty more tears from random leftists infected with Trump derangement syndrome followed once these individuals’ declared antichrist sailed to re-election. Here are some of the worst clips (or best, depending on the viewer’s perspective) circulating the internet:
Leftists constantly publishing videos of themselves crying on camera isn’t just incredibility cringe, the behavior is conclusive evidence of extreme narcissism, and it happens all the time — even when there’s no election to cry about.
Whether they’re complaining about being “misgendered” or working too hard, TikTok has way too many young people sobbing about their lives openly online as if the world were ending. The tragic reality is that these people are obviously lacking when it comes to forming genuine relationships with others beyond social media followers. The anonymous viewers watching these sob story videos have likely become the only source of validation immediately available to them — all the more reason to put the phone down and go outside.
If anyone’s first impulse when sobbing is to take their phone out and start recording themselves for artificial empathy from online strangers, they might be better served in an insane asylum. At least someone will take them a little more seriously there.