Sen. Rand Paul Wants Evidence For Childrens Boosters, NIH Royalties

(Video Below) As regulators and public health authorities hastened authorisation on an emergency basis to vaccinate children as young as six months old, Washington becomes more intriguing and agitated by the day. No other nation uses mRNA technology to immunize such young children. Meanwhile, during a hearing last week, Senator Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the National Institutes of Health, engaged in yet another contentious exchange (NIH).

Due to his SARS-CoV-2 infection, which persists despite several vaccinations, Fauci was absent this occasion. Did the government provide enough evidence to raise vaccinations for kids five and older and to vaccinate the youngest cohort, who are currently as young as six months old? Why doesn’t the NIH disclose the large royalties given to its personnel and the businesses they work for? Conflict of interest danger seems to be significant.

Sen. Paul questioned Dr. Fauci on the FDA’s recommendation that children have booster shots at the time, claiming that everyone over the age of five should receive a booster dose. Are you aware of any studies that indicate a decrease in hospitalization or death for kids who take a booster? said Sen. Paul.

Sen. Paul, at this time, not enough data have been gathered, Fauci retorted, “to demonstrate that’s the case.” However, how are such strong recommendations possible?

Fauci highlighted that the government’s recommendations are predicated on theories about antibody levels and Israeli data.

Paul emphasized that the few studies that did support the boosters’ protective effects were all based on scant antibody research.

However, this is not clinical efficacy, and the Kentucky senator insisted on seeing documentation before giving children a boost.

In a heated exchange, Fauci hinted that Israeli research that demonstrated a clinical benefit for the third and fourth boost was the basis for the argument of boosting youngsters. However, the data was for adults only, not for kids. Fauci had no counterargument to such claim.

What about vaccine dangers?

Sen. Paul reminded Fauci that despite the fact that he was essentially mass-vaccinating kids, there were real dangers for myocarditis, especially for younger boys between the ages of 12 and 24. When compared to the background rate of 2 per million, the risk in that cohort can be as high as 80 per million. Paul said, “This is not science…and we should not be basing public policy on it,” saying, “There is danger, and there are risks, and you are telling everyone in America and going out there blindly because we manufacture antibodies.” No hazards were discussed, as was clear from the Biden letter regarding vaccination of children. The President’s lone message is to rejoice and feel happy that you can finally vaccinate your young children. However, what if they’ve already received cOVID-19? Paul estimates that exposure has already occurred in around 75% of American children.

What about royalties from NIH?

The NIH received recent requests for access to royalty data from politicians, according to TrialSite. The likelihood of conflicts of interest at the NIH under the Fauci administration is a growing source of worry. In fact, 27,000 royalty payments totaling $193 million were made to 1,800 NIH workers between 2010 and 2016. Is there a potential conflict of interest here? After all, these workers receive generous federal wages and perks funded by taxpayers.

Can you confirm that you have never received a royalty from any organization that you have ever handled the distribution of funds in research grants? Paul reminded Fauci that more than $193 million had already been paid out.

Fauci was unable to respond to the issue, but he then gave an example of how some lab work he did that did not involve patients only netted him a pittance.

Paul went on to ask why the NIH withholds all information related to royalty payments, such as employee names, payment amounts, and connected companies.

Fauci added that they are not required to reveal these specifics in accordance with the rules. What about everyone on the vaccination committee? Paul then questioned Fauci. Has anyone on the committee received donations from vaccine manufacturers?

Paul’s time allotment allowed for the timely rescue of Fauci.

Thoughts to Ponder

Dr. Anthony Fauci and the general health and welfare of America are the subject of grave concern.
While the NIH is secretive about its financial relationships with biopharmaceutical firms involving royalty schemes, firms like Pfizer achieve historic profits in part because the government has pumped up demand for mRNA vaccinations.

Rand Paul reminded the NIAID director that around 75% of American children have already been exposed to SARS-CoV-2, despite the government’s strong promotion of vaccine on roughly 20 million children in America aged between six months and five, as well as boosters in older children.

Why they are unable to access statistics to better understand children’s genuine risk of hospitalization or death if they were already sick was a question Paul was unable to answer.

Additionally, as even The New York Times highlighted the other day, the recent FDA and CDC actions to approve the EUA for the youngest children were based on dubious efficacy data. However, Biden recently stated that vaccinations are necessary for all children without mentioning any risks or additional elements that might be harmful.

By TrialSite News, Rephrased by InfoArmed

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