Sen. Johnson Issues Warning: Covid Was ‘Preplanned by Elite Group’ to ‘Take Total Control of Our Lives’

Republican Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has issued an explosive statement on national television by warning the American people that Covid was “preplanned by an elite group of people.”

During an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Johnson said that “a very powerful group of people” intentionally engineered the pandemic to “take total control of our lives.”

Johnson associated this alleged plot with Event 201, which took place on October 18, 2019. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, hosted this high-level pandemic exercise in New York City. The event, held mere weeks before the initial Covid-19 cases surfaced in China, outlined cooperative measures between governments, private entities, and globalist organizations in response to a major pandemic. Its declared aim was to mitigate extensive economic and societal impacts during and post-pandemic.

“This was all pre-planned by an elite group of people,” the senator said. “Event 201 – it occurred in late 2019, prior to the rest of us knowing about this pandemic.”

“This is very concerning in terms of what has happened, what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom,” he continued. “It needs to be exposed but unfortunately, there are very few people, even in Congress, that are willing to take a look at this.”

“They all pushed the vaccine,” he added. “They don’t want to be made aware of the fact the vaccines may have caused injuries, may have caused death. So many people simply don’t want to admit they were wrong and they’re going to do everything they can to make sure they’re not proven wrong. We’re up against a very powerful group of people here, Maria.”

Johnson commended the independent journalists for their bravery in reporting truths that challenge mainstream media narratives.

“That’s the only way this is going to be solved is we need the truth to be exposed, we need more Americans to listen to the truth, to be exposed to the truth, to pull their heads out of the hands, open their eyes and understand what’s happening to this country,” he said.


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This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Source: Becker News Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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