New York City, touted by Democrats as a “sanctuary city”, is now offering illegal aliens free one-way planet tickets to leave for other destinations anywhere in the world.
New York City’s Democrat Mayor Eric Adams on Thursdaya called on the federal government to implement a “decompression strategy” to deal with the massive influx of asylum-seekers and ease pressure on its migrant shelters.

Over 130,000 migrants from around the world have poured into NYC since last year.
From Axios:
A spokesperson for Adam said on Friday the city has set up a “reticketing center” where migrants can secure a plane ticket.
The city will increase efforts “to purchase tickets for migrants to help them take the next steps in their journeys.”
“It helps us triage operations” for new arrivals at The Roosevelt Hotel, the spokesperson said, referring to a once-closed hotel that was reopened as a shelter for asylum seekers earlier this year.
Adams said that the city has taken in a massive amount of illegal migrants compared to other parts of the country.
“When people come across the border, we have 108,000 cities and villages — we should spread them out across the entire country, and not just New York, Chicago, Chicago, Los Angeles and Houston,” he said.
In addition to the plane ticket strategy, NYC also set up a naval airfield as an emergency site, handed out tents to migrants for outdoor temporary tent camps in Central Park and Prospect Park, vacated hotels and used vacant office buildings, school gyms and emergency shelters to house the migrants.
Adams in August also called on the Biden regime to declare a state of emergency in the city, warning the migrant influx may cost taxpayers $12 billion over the next few years.
Part of New York City’s major influx is due to Govs. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) and Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) busing illegals to the “sanctuary city” to make a political point to the Democrats that their open-border policies are disastrous for the country.