No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’
By Ben Bartee – October 08, 2023
Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion yesterday morning was an Israeli “intelligence failure.”
Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet. It routinely shares intelligence, furthermore, with the “Five Eyes” intelligence services.
It has its tentacles deep inside of every ally and foe of import. Its spies are littered across the Gaza Strip, which is an effective open-air prison into which goods do not flow but for the blessing of the Israeli state. The Gaza Strip is arguably the most heavily surveilled geographic area on Earth.
The Hamas invasion of Southern Israel yesterday was an operation involving tens of thousands of operatives, at least, across land, sea, and air, using all manner of equipment and weaponry – drones, thousands of rockets, countless firearms, and even bulldozers that were positioned to knock down Israeli fencing.
And MSNBC and CNN would have you believe this was all a big “intelligence failure” by Mossad.
Bibi Netanyahu was in real political trouble before this conveniently timed invasion. Now, or at least this is the hope, Israelis will rally around the flag for some patriotic Palestinian ass-kicking and their Prime Minister’s imminently obvious corruption will be, at least temporarily, forgotten, if not forgiven.
Meanwhile, Israeli intelligence, rather than being punished for its “failure,” will use its “failure” as a pretext to garner more funding and more authorities for itself so as to prevent another such “failure.” The Hamas invasion was only a “failure” if one believes the goal of Mossad is to protect Israeli civilians rather than accrue more power for itself.
At a bare minimum, Mossad knew of the attack beforehand and let it happen for political convenience. More likely, in my view, is that it actively facilitated the attack.
The kind of person who would believe this was a big intelligence whoopsie are the same kind of people who would buy that a handful of semi-literate cave-dwellers halfway around the world singlehandedly pulled off the greatest terror attack in world history with no assistance from spooks and that buildings with structure fires at the top of them collapse at freefall speed neatly into their own footprints.
Related: Vivek Ramaswamy to Tucker: The Government Lied About 9/11
If you’re one of those – and I assume you’re not if you’re reading this – I don’t know what to tell you. Read a book or something.
Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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Source: The Daily Bell Rephrased By: InfoArmed