MSNBC News Actor, Race Scholar ‘Confront the First Amendment’s Dark History’


What’s weird here, most of all, is that we are all so conditioned to what calls itself the “liberal” media, defender of something called Democracy™, that hearing it “confront the First Amendment’s dark history” on national airwaves isn’t actually surprising at all.


In 2024, this is what we expect from the grand institution of legacy media, upon whom we are requested to rely to mold our worldview.

These are our leaders with their collective finger on the nuclear launch codes.

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Esteemed Lady Dr. — not an actual doctor, the Lady Jill kind of community organizer or whatever posing as a doctor — Mary Anne Franks’ highly nuanced and learned argument is that free speech is racist.


The First Amendment’s mythical status as the uncompromising guardian of free expression for all is the product of historical revisionism, selective intention, and limited imagination. What has been protected in the United States, above all, is not fearless speech in the service of equality, but rather reckless speech in the service of racial and gender hierarchy. While great strides have been made over the centuries to transform Americans’ false claim of democracy into a true one, the original ruling class has done everything it can to resist this. The values of while male supremacy the and the speech that reinforces them have ways received heightened protections in our society.


Of course, this is all very brave and stunning — and original — truth-telling.

Of course, no critical-Marxist scholarhas ever come up with the idea of subverting sacred Western principles that underpin democracy in the name of protecting Democracy™ with no sense of irony.

(These principles being hard-won over centuries by white people in Europe, part of the first civilization in the world to outlaw slavery, before inspiring white people in America, their cultural heirs, to take the self-governance thing two steps further.)

Yes, America, unique among historical world evils, is very, very bad.

We were living in a global utopia before the Founding Fathers invented slavery and subjugation along racial lines.

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Via Amazon (emphasis added):

In Fearless Speech, Dr. Mary Anne Franks emphasizes the distinction between what speech a democratic society should protect and what speech a democratic society should promote.  While the First Amendment in theory is politically neutral, in practice it has been legally deployed most visibly and effectively to promote powerful antidemocratic interests: misogyny, racism, religious zealotry, and corporate self-interest, in other words, reckless speech. Instead, Franks argues, we need to focus on fearless speech—speakers who have risked their safety, their reputations, and in some cases their lives, to call out injustice and hold the powerful accountable. Whether it be civil rights leaders, the women of the #MeToo movement, or pro-choice advocates, Franks shows us how their cases and their voices can allow us to promote a more democratic version of free speech*.


*The upper-middle class white #MeToo banshees and the BLM rioters who went wild in the streets for a whole summer with impunity, of course, are the put-upon classes in America.

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