Leaked Audio Surfaces of Biden Reassuring Former Ukrainian President That Burisma Scandal Evidence Was ‘Stopped’

Leaked audio has emerged of sitting President Joe Biden reassuring former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that tapes related to the Burisma scandal, which a Ukrainian government aide had turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had been “stopped.”

Conservative talk show host Dan Bongino surfaced the audio and gave insight into its significance in a recent show. Watch:

Bongino brought up the story by referring to reports from Hans Mahnke, who had shared the audio.

“If you thought this was bad, Hans notes, here’s the real shocker. Shortly after Poroshenko’s aide blew the whistle, Poroshenko asked Biden whether the aide was now cooperating with the FBI. Incredibly, Biden assured Poroshenko that the FBI wasn’t pursuing it. How would Biden have known?” Bongino stated, while quoting the tweet.

“Here is Biden… he’s worried that Onyshchenko is going to blow the whistle to the DOJ and the FBI about Biden’s bribe. And he’s really concerned about the money trail because Biden knows that he was paid, him and his family, by Ukraine into a number of shell companies, some of which went through PrivatBank. Biden is panicked that if Trump gets into office, that he’s gonna start doing business with Ukraine, giving them aid and start asking questions,” he continued.

“Listen to the panic in Biden’s voice as he pushes the Ukrainian president to shut the bank down before Trump gets into office,” Bongino added.

“So again, Poroshenko’s aide, Onyshchenko, this politician’s about to blow the whistle on this whole thing and he has the tapes. Biden seems really concerned that Onyshchenko is working with our fully corrupt FBI. What if I told you there’s a tape of that too?” he said, assuring his followers that it indeed exists.

“Here’s Biden on tape with Poroshenko and Poroshenko’s very concerned that Onyshchenko is going to spill the beans with the FBI and Biden says… but don’t worry, the FBI’s all on the level folks… but Biden says like don’t worry, winky, winky, nod, nod… we made sure that all went away with the FBI,” Bongino remarked. “Don’t you worry.”

Privatbank was also the subject of an extensive conversation between Biden and Poroshenko.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry also discussed the need to purge the Special Prosecutor’s office amid questions of Ukraine gas company Burisma inexplicably giving Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden a $50,000-a-month paid board seat.

“A few weeks after Burisma’s chairman of the board, Vadym Pozhasrkyi, demanded from Hunter Biden that the cases against Burisma be shut down, then Secretary of State John Kerry gave Ukrainian president Poroshenko a heads up that Joe Biden really needed the prosecutor to be fired,” Mahnke pointed out.

Former Ukrainian lawmaker Oleksandr Onyshchenko had publicly announced turning over the Burisma-related evidence, as reported by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

“I gave [the Americans] documents that confirm the corruption of President Poroshenko,” he said in June 2016.

“I was there with him for two years. I watched. I followed all negotiations that he did, with [Kyiv Mayor Vitaly] Klitschko [and] with many deputies,” Onyshchenko added. “I was on the president’s team, directly fulfilling his orders.”

The Ukrainian prosecutor-general sought to put him on trial for his alleged involvement in a large-scale embezzlement scheme related to a state-owned gas company, which reportedly involved millions in kickbacks.

Prior to his departure from Ukraine, Onyshchenko made bold claims, stating that he possesses incriminating recordings and digital evidence implicating Poroshenko in corrupt activities. He asserted that he handed over these materials to the U.S. Department of Justice, specifically the FBI. In an interview conducted in December, while in self-imposed exile and reportedly seeking political asylum in the United Kingdom, Onyshchenko disclosed his accusations to Current Time TV and other media outlets. Citing concerns for his safety, he refrained from disclosing his location.

“I gave [the Americans] documents that confirm the corruption of President Poroshenko. That’s all,” Onyshchenko told Current Time TV, a Russian-language network run by RFE/RL and VOA, in a Skype interview on December 2. He requested that his location not be disclosed, saying he feared for his personal safety.

The response from Poroshenko’s office was swift, dismissing Onyshchenko’s allegations as entirely false and labeling him as a suspect with self-serving motives.

In December 2019, Onyshchenko was arrested in Germany after revealing that he had dirt on Burisma, a company linked to the Bidens.

In May 2020, while still in jail, Onyshchenko, according to a report by Stephen McIntyre, “arranged for Biden-Poroshenko tapes to be delivered to Andrii Derkach, who then released excerpts in several press conferences.”

“[I]n Aug 2020, William Evanina of ODNI stated Derkach tapes were Russian disinformation and on Sep 10, 2020, Derkach was sanctioned by Treasury OFAC, resulting in erasure of his social media and even his website. Buried even more thoroughly than Hunter laptop 4 weeks later,” McIntyre added.

While Onyshchenko’s claims are remarkable even by the standards of Ukrainian politics, what adds further intrigue to the situation is his assertion that he provided the U.S. Justice Department with evidence to investigate Poroshenko himself. Those accusations are further bolstered by the obtained audio conversations of Biden and Poroshenko.

When the initial Trump impeachment hearings were being held, Onyshchenko made startling allegations regarding Hunter Biden and his involvement with Burisma. According to Onyshchenko, who claimed to possess insider information, Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky appointed Hunter Biden to the company’s board as a safeguard against potential criminal investigations.

In a recent related story, a confidential FBI record indicates that Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, referred to President Joe Biden as the “big guy.”

Tony Bobulinski, a former Navy lieutenant and Hunter Biden’s business partner, confirmed that the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden. Bobulinski stated that Hunter Biden often referred to his father as “the Big Guy” or “my chairman” and frequently sought his advice and approval for potential deals.

The infamous “big guy” email, which emerged in October 2020, detailed a proposed business deal between Hunter Biden and a Chinese company. The email referenced “10 held by H [Hunter] for the big guy.”

According to sources familiar with the FBI record, Zlochevsky discussed an alleged bribe of $5 million to Joe Biden and an additional $5 million to Hunter Biden. The conversation took place years before the date of the FBI form, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

The sources further stated that Zlochevsky believed that unraveling an alleged bribery scheme involving the Bidens would be challenging due to the involvement of multiple bank accounts, potentially taking up to 10 years.

The existence of an FD-1023 informant document related to the Bidens is the subject of intense debate, and purportedly involves a bribery scheme involving Mykola Zlochevsky, Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Joe Biden. The FBI informant is reported to be a “trusted” source.

The FBI is acquiring a reputation of covering up for the Biden family. Timothy Thibault, a former FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, allegedly ordered the closure of an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting in October 2020, despite the information being verified or verifiable through criminal search warrants.

According to this new report, Andrew Weissmann, also known as former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “pit bull,” handled the evidence turned over by Onyshchenko.

In a recent appearance with conservative talk show host Mark Levin, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) argued that the FBI was playing “defense for the Bidens.”

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This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Source: Becker News Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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