Joe Biden Cements Place in Hall of Shame with Most Ignorant AR-15 Comment Ever

President Joe Biden has yet again demonstrated to the world his appalling ignorance when it comes to firearms — all while advocating for their unconstitutional regulation.

Biden gave a speech on Friday at the National Safety Communities Summit in West Harford, Connecticut, where he bragged about legislation he supported that severely limits access to “pistol braces.”

A pistol brace, commonly associated with AR-15 style pistols, is simply a device that “attaches to the rear of a pistol and rests around the user’s forearm,” providing a modicum of stabilization when firing the weapon and allowing a person the ability to fire with one arm more readily, according to

During his incoherent speech, Biden claimed that this accessory can actually increase the caliber of the bullet being fired from the gun.

Alternative news source Breaking911 tweeted the absurd claim that Biden made during the speech:

“Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun — makes it more — you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun,” Biden explained.

Should pistol braces remain legal and unrestricted?

The fact that Biden thinks attaching an accessory that acts as a stock can actually change the caliber of a weapon is hilarious at best — and terrifying at worst.

The whole of Biden’s Friday speech can be viewed here:

This was not the first time Biden proved to the world that he understands firearms less than your average Call of Duty player.

In October 2022, Biden laughably attempted to explain legislation he supported at a “Now This” public forum.

During the forum, Biden said, “My legislation says there can be no more than eight bullets in a round, okay?”

A “round” is universally understood as a single bullet, yet Biden claimed that his legislation would limit a round to eight bullets, as if this kind of “round” currently existed outside of a science fiction movie.

Biden can be seen confusing this kind of simple terminology again in November 2019 during a campaign speech where he claimed to support a severely limited Second Amendment.

Biden said, “I believe in the Second Amendment, but nobody says you can have a round, a magazine with 100 clips in it.”

During the 2020 Democratic debates, Biden claimed with his usual irksome confidence that, “150 million people have been killed [by guns] since 2007.”

The United States population between 2007 and 2019 was between 300 and 330 million according to the Census Bureau, meaning that Biden believed that legally purchased gun ownership somehow led to the death of nearly half the population during that period of time.

Biden has also given the American public legally dubious advice when it comes to handling shotguns.

In 2013, Biden participated in a video “question and answer” segment hosted by Parents Magazine, which included the then-vice president absurdly touting a double-barrel shotgun as the best weapon a woman could use in a self-defense situation.

At the time Biden said, “[I]f you want to protect yourself, get a double-barrel shotgun. … As I told my wife … I said, ‘Jill, if there’s ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony, walk out, put that double barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house.’ … You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim. It’s harder to use, and in fact, you don’t need thirty rounds to protect yourself.”

Biden’s absurd advice, however, would leave his wife with an empty weapon in the case of a home invasion and would also put her in legal trouble for public discharge of a firearm in most states in the case of a “warning shot” scenario.

In 2013, Biden also participated in an interview with Field & Stream magazine where he advised that citizens should “just fire the shotgun through the door” in the case of an apocalyptic home invasion scenario, ignoring a fundamental principle of gun safety.

Biden’s amusing gaffes aside, it should be alarming to Americans who exercise their Second Amendment rights that such an ignorant fool has the ability to endorse legislation that can turn millions of American into criminals overnight.

The post Joe Biden Cements Place in Hall of Shame with Most Ignorant AR-15 Comment Ever appeared first on The Western Journal.

Source: Western Journal Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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