Hawaiian Resident Blasts Biden as ‘Vile Human Being’ for Joking about Corvette When ‘Children Were Incinerated Into Ash’

President Joe Biden has provoked major backlash among some Hawaiian residents after making inappropriate comments during his visit to Maui following the devastating wildfires.

Biden was in Hawaii to assess the damage caused by the Maui wildfires, which resulted in the confirmed death of at least 114 people. However, the final death toll is expected to rise to nearly a thousands as more victims are identified.

During his speech, Biden made jokes and shared personal anecdotes, at one point drawing a comparison between the catastrophic wildfires and a minor kitchen fire at his home from years ago. He ‘humorously’ mentioned nearly losing his Corvette to that fire.

This was enough to make one resident “snap” and eviscerate the president for his feeble and heartless response.

One local resident reacted by saying, “Hearing Biden talk about his house that had a little fire,” and then went on to comment, “You almost lost your cat and your Corvette? There were children who were turned to ash! You f–king old man. You vile human being.”

But the unnamed man in the viral video was not alone. Maui residents lit up Biden upon his arrival to the island on Monday.

Biden upon his visit had told an egregious lie about a 2004 fire that started in his kitchen after a lightning strike that was put out in approximately twenty minutes.

“I almost lost my ’67 corvette and my cat,” he said, completely tone-deaf to the Hawaiians’ suffering.

But even his obscenely light-hearted tale was based on a fabrication. It was quickly brought under control, according to Associated Press reporting.

“Luckily, we got it pretty early,” the fire chief said at the time. “The fire was under control in 20 minutes.”

Joe Biden thought he could twist a story about a small kitchen fire nearly two decades ago to relate to the loss of nearly a thousand people, currently believed to be at least 480 dead.

But that wasn’t all Joe Biden said to make the Maui wildfires about himself. He had to bring up his trademark story of losing a wife and child in the early 1970s.

As the late Andrew Breitbart would say, what a “ghoul.” There are hundreds of children missing according to local reports. This is all that Biden had to say about it in his remarks.

“Imagine being a parent wondering where your child is — where he is,” Biden said. “I remember, as I said.  You know, press reports of grandfathers crying for lost neighbors while trying to be strong for the ones who survived.  Of a woman distributing clothing to survivors who says she didn’t lose her home, but she lost her hometown.”

That was it. Biden also told jokes. “You guys catch the boots out here? That’s a hot ground, man,” he jested.

But despite the anger and heartbreak of Maui residents, Joe Biden was apparently dozing off a day later during an event.

Biden then high-tailed it back to Lake Tahoe for the rest of his vacation.

If this were a Republican administration, Joe Biden would be getting lit up in the media, just like George Bush during Hurricane Katrina and Donald Trump during Hurricane Harvey. But neither of those presidents joked or nodded off while a grieving community shared its loss and heartbreak.


Joe Biden’s Disastrous Maui Visit: Dozes Off, Lies About 2004 Fire, Tells Inappropriate Jokes, Glosses Over Missing Children

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This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion.

Source: Becker News Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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