The Social Security Administration has recently spent untold amounts of taxpayer money to promote the SSI program which they claim is going broke faster than anybody anticipated. The mass mailing encourages people to apply for free government money to help them buy whatever they want to. While the mail piece does provide a general idea of some eligibility requirements, the overall appeal is to encourage anybody who’s reading it to call and apply. Even the “Social Security” link goes to a promotion page.
The first thing that recipient sees when they look at their address on the mail piece is shown above. With a huge headline it says, “Get Monthly SSI Payment To Meet Your Basic Needs.” When they open it, the first paragraph tells them to “See if you’re eligible by … calling 1-877-395-1383.” That same page even indicates how much money they could get – highlighted in a blue graphic on the right.
To be fair, the SSI mail piece does give some important information about the program. But before that information is shown, hard hitting advertising headlines and persuasive words to get them to apply.
My problem is that our government is spending our taxpayer money to promote a program, that by there own admittance , is losing money faster than they can take it in. I also have my suspicions as to the timing of it with all the Mexican illegal’s coming over the border.
Here’s what they tell us about the program:
For adults and kids with disabilities or blindness who fall below certain income and resource thresholds, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program offers monthly compensation. Those 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial requirements can also get SSI payments.
You must have little money and resources to qualify for SSI. The maximum income and assets you can have while still being eligible for SSI are shown in the table below. The revenue and resource restrictions listed in each of the columns below may be subject to exceptions.