Quasi-retired NIH Director Francis Collins gave an interview some time back with an outfit called Closer to Truth.
In it, he espoused his opinion that God the Creator is real and that believing in His existence is not, in fact, incompatible with science as a discipline for pursuing truth – a position which I agree with.
Collins, it can be seen, is obviously a thoughtful man, which is all the more damning for him because it suggests that he knows that what he did in the service of creating a worldwide pandemic and then attempting to cover his filthy tracks was malicious and calculated.
It demonstrates, for instance, that he surely knew better when he plotted to demonize and stigmatize proponents of the lab leak theory early on in the pandemic even though all of the evidence at the time, and even more evidence now, points to the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the epicenter of the outbreak.
It shows, as well, that his little acoustic guitar propaganda performance targeted at children — to convince them that the virus had natural origins and that pseudoscientific masking and the “six-feet” rule were necessary or else they would kill their grandmothers – was self-serving claptrap.
For Collins’ sake, he better hope that the atheists are right and it’s lights out when he dies. If there is a God, and he factors deeds on Earth into his analysis of a soul’s worth at the pearly gates, Collins is in for a world of eternal pain when he passes onto the other side.
Perhaps Collins has taken the Walter White approach to existential angst: “I know how upset you are about what happened… I am just as upset as you are. What, do I have to curl myself up in a ball in tears in front of you… to prove it to you? What happened… is a tragedy. And it tears me up inside…. It’s done!… All the people that we’ve killed…. If you believe that there’s a hell… we’re already pretty much going there… But I’m not gonna lie down until I get there.”
As for me, I pray that Collins’ take on God’s existence is true so that he might be made to face the justice at least in the afterlife that he has thus far eluded on this planet.
Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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Source: The Daily Bell Rephrased By: InfoArmed