Federal Prosecutor Who Signed Off on Hunter’s ‘Sweetheart’ Plea Deal is Tied to Biden Family Corruption

A federal prosecutor involved in the Hunter Biden “investigation” that led to a sweetheart plea deal for the president’s son had previously worked with one of Hunter’s business partners.

Derek Hines, an Assistant United States Attorney, had signed off on the charging documents alongside Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, the Daily Mail reported. Hines had previously served as Special Counsel to ex-FBI director Louis Freeh at his private company, which had collaborated with Hunter on overseas business ventures now under scrutiny.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) raised alarms about the integrity of the Department of Justice’s investigation upon learning of the link between the federal prosecutor and Hunter’s business associate. GOP lawmakers have slammed the relatively weak charges filed against Hunter as a mere ‘slap on the wrist.’

“This calls into question the integrity of their investigation,” Johnson said.

It was previously revealed that Freeh and his firm had close ties to the Biden family, including involvement in a Romanian consulting job that is now part of a federal criminal investigation and under scrutiny by Congress.

The connection between Hines, one of the main prosecutors in Hunter’s case, and his former employer Freeh potentially presents a conflict of interest under federal regulations. Hines had worked for Freeh’s company, which had collaborated with Hunter Biden on various projects.

An additional report on the Hunter Biden investigation suggests further corruption in the decision-making, as the DOJ official accused of blocking a broader investigation into the president’s son by an IRS whistleblower is reported to be a Biden campaign backer.

“Matt Graves, the DOJ official who blocked a broader investigation of Hunter & Joe Biden, is married to radical Dem activist & Kamala adviser Fatima Goss [Graves], who fights for ‘gender justice’ & is lobbying to remove Justice Thomas,” investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported. “FEC data show couple donated thousands $ to Biden.”

The investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax crimes, which formed the basis for the recent criminal charges, reportedly involved $3 million in income from a Romanian source. The House Oversight Committee had obtained bank records that showed the same $3 million flowing from the Romanian accounts to the Biden family through intermediaries.

Sen. Johnson criticized the integrity of the investigation and emphasized the massive conflicts posed by these connections between federal prosecutors and the Biden family. The Oversight Committee is also investigating allegations involving Freeh’s connections to corruption claims surrounding the Bidens, including whistleblower claims about obtaining sensitive FBI information for Hunter’s Chinese business partners.

Garrett Ziegler, a former Trump White House staffer, claimed that Freeh and Hunter had violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act by lobbying US officials without notifying the Department of Justice.

Other Department of Justice (DoJ) officials involved in investigating Hunter Biden, including Nicholas McQuaid, the former head of the DOJ’s criminal division, were also found to have links to Hunter’s business associates. Senators Grassley and Johnson had called for McQuaid’s recusal from the Hunter Biden investigation but received no clear answer from the DOJ.

The Delaware federal prosecutor’s office declined to comment on the matter.

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Source: Becker News Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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