FBI Lied To Its Own Agents To Protect Hunter Biden’s Criminality

According to agency whistleblowers, the FBI’s so-called inquiry into Hunter Biden purposely referred to verifiable material as “disinformation.”

In the following statement by Sen, Chuck Grassley he states the issue in a dignified and stately manner but to put it simply: After FBI agents turned over solid information that incriminated Hunter Biden, the agents were told to disregard what they had discovered. They were told that the evidence was “disinformation.” It was not. The agents had, in fact, uncovered proof of Hunter Biden’s criminal activity.

Sen. Chuck Grassley

According to Sen. Chuck Grassley, agents looking into President Joe Biden’s son “initiated an evaluation that was used by an FBI headquarters team to wrongly denigrate damaging Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activities to end” (R-IA). After receiving “a considerable number of protected communications from very credible whistleblowers” concerning the probe, Grassley’s staff made the accusation public. One of the messages, according to the Republican, “displays proven and provable disparaging information on Hunter Biden was erroneously characterized as disinformation.”

According to the revelations, Brian Auten, an FBI supervisory intelligence agent, started the evaluation that was later employed by the organization in August 2020. One of the informants alleged that even though some of the allegations were known to be genuine at the time, Timothy Thibault, the FBI associate special agent in charge of the Washington field office, closed off an investigation into Hunter Biden in October 2020.

Dirty Cop FBI Agent Timothy Thibault
Dirty Cop FBI Agent Timothy Thibault

Even though “all of the information was either validated or provable by criminal search warrants,” according to Grassley, Thibault allegedly “ordered closed” a “avenue of additional damaging Hunter Biden reporting.” The senator claimed that according to the disclosures, FBI agents “attempted to illegally designate the subject in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future” and that Thibault “directed the matter closed without providing a valid explanation as needed.”

According to the senator, whistleblowers claimed that investigators from an FBI headquarters team “were in communication with FBI agents responsible for the Hunter Biden information targeted by Mr. Auten’s assessment” and that their conclusions on whether the claims were accurate or false were “placed in a restricted access sub-file” in September 2020.

According to Grassley, the whistleblower revelations “appear to show that there was a system in place among certain FBI employees to weaken defamatory information connected to Hunter Biden by making the false claim that it was misinformation.” Prior to Monday, neither the Attorney General Merrick Garland nor the FBI Director Christopher Wray were aware of the new charges, which Grassley described in his letter to them.

The new material was discovered after Auten participated in the inquiry of Trump’s ties to Russia, which included speaking with Igor Danchenko, who was allegedly the primary source for Christopher Steele’s dossier, a British ex-spy, in 2017. Auten is the “Supervisory Intel Agent” from DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s 2019 report on violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, according to Congressional sources who confirmed this to the Washington Examiner.

Whistleblower charges’ “volume and regularity,” according to Grassley, “substantiate their legitimacy.” The allegations are made at a time when the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office is allegedly close to deciding whether to arrest Hunter Biden, who has denied any misconduct.

The assessment by Auten in August 2020 was … More from The Washington Examiner

Rephrased by InfoArmed

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