Exclusive: Election Is ‘Liberty or Death’ Scenario for Biden-Harris’s Political Prisoners

From PJMedia.com

Election 2024 is “sink or swim, liberty or death” for Jan. 6 prisoners and others jailed by the Biden-Harris administration’s weaponized justice system, according to J6er Jake Lang, who has been in jail over three years without trial.


A Congressional investigation and Dinesh D’Souza’s movie “Police State” have called attention to the serious abuses and the denial not only of rights but even of basic necessities for Jan. 6 prisoners. Lang insists they occur because federal authorities have tried to pressure J6ers into admitting guilt or testifying against Donald Trump. Authorities “torture you into submission … they’re trying to turn us into state’s witnesses … they were trying to turn many of us into cooperators against Trump’s second impeachment trial when we were first arrested, you know, offering us deals if we were just going to testify the impeachment trial and then the January 6 Select Committee.” And unless Trump wins this election and the Jan. 6 prisoners receive pardons from him, many of them — including Lang — are facing decades in jail.

Lang has been accused of various alleged crimes on Jan. 6, including allegedly assaulting law enforcement. According to Lang, this refers to his effort to protect fellow protestors, including Rosanne Boyland (who was murdered by Capitol police), from police brutality. Philip Anderson and Thomas Tatum swore that Lang saved their lives in the melee, but as Lang’s trial was just postponed indefinitely, yet another apparent violation of Lang’s Sixth Amendment rights, he has yet to have the chance to make his case in court. Another prisoner Lang highlighted was Stuart Rhodes, an unarmed, peaceful Oath Keeper who was sentenced to over 18 years in jail for being present on Jan. 6, 2021.


Meanwhile, numerous pro-Hamas protestors (who also invaded Capitol buildings) and violent Antifa thugs have had their charges dropped, and illegal alien criminals continue to pour across the border with Democrat encouragement. There is clearly a double standard of justice at play.

One prison where Jake Lang was detained was the “infamous” Brooklyn jail where corrupt rapper “P.” Diddy is currently being held, and where the celebrity’s lawyers have identified a “litany of horrors,” including “deplorable conditions, rampant violence and multiple deaths.” While Lang was there, he posted a video of himself praying for Trump and the Jan. 6 prisoners, after which he was put in “disciplinary solitary confinement” and, according to him, told “I would never be leaving the solitary confinement, the hole, until I left Brooklyn.” He called that “the capstone of all of the other years of solitary that I’ve done,” which in all has been around 900 days out of his incarceration time. He was transferred soon after, however, to Washington, D.C., where his trial will be if it ever happens, and where he is again in solitary confinement.

Read Also: Exclusive: J6 Prisoner on How Election Is ‘Life or Death’ for Political Prisoners

“So all of this is political … hockey, and we’re the pucks,” Lang claimed. Prisoners like him are being pressured to testify to “try to break the Republican [] Make America Great Again movement in Donald Trump, and we find ourselves in the middle of it. And honestly, this election couldn’t come any quicker.” He’s hoping Trump will issue pardons for Jan. 6 protestors if he wins the presidency this year. “What this autocratic regime has put us and our families through is going to be remembered as the next … Japanese internment camps from World War II,” Lang argued. “It’s either two months left for me [in prison] until January 20, 2025, when [Trump’s] inaugurated, or it’s 20 years.”


Lang also says he believes he and other Jan. 6ers have been specifically targeted for being Christian. He cited the situation after his initial incarceration in 2021, when the prisoners were all under Covid-19 lockdowns and not allowed to interact with each other, even to pray. Lang says he landed in solitary confinement after appealing to every authority he could for the ability to exercise the “fundamental American and human right baked into the Constitution,” that of freedom of religion. “And I realized very quickly that being a Christian and being a man of faith, you know, while being … behind enemy lines here,” under “Marxist” prison authorities, “it’s very dangerous to me personally,” Lang told me. He said the Jan. 6 prisoners pray every night and appeal for their religious freedom rights, but often only elicit more malice.

One way that Lang said he has been particularly targeted is in having to wear the “black box” handcuff cover during his recent transfer to the D.C. “Gulag” prison from New York. The “black box” is only supposed to be used for “High Security” inmates, but Lang told me he has now been given an internal domestic terrorism designation so he was forced to wear them “like Hannibal Lecter.” If Lang were to be convicted ultimately as a domestic terrorist, he could go to a maximum security prison. Leftist media and government officials have smeared Jan. 6 protestors as “domestic terrorists,” and the Biden-Harris FBI also targeted concerned parents challenging school boards and traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. Yet Democrats, including Joe Biden, have protested against labeling violent Antifa as domestic terrorists.


Lang said, “The black box goes over your wrist. And what it does is it keeps them at like this crooked angle, so you can’t move them whatsoever… it’s this ultra handcuff that puts your arms in a very unnatural position so you end up chafing for hours, and then the chafe can turn into cuts and bleed… I ended up having wrists that were so chafed that there was … blood marks on on my handcuffs… when I took them off, I said, ‘That’s my skin on there. That’s my blood.’” Black boxes have raised controversy before for being potentially abusive.

Former Capitol police officers who claim to have been attacked on Jan. 6, Harry Dunn (who has been exposed for apparently lying about his experience on Jan. 6) and Aquilino Gonell, have actively campaigned for VP Kamala Harris. Lang told me that Gonell claims to have been injured by him, but will not be a witness in Lang’s trial, possibly because, according to investigative journalist Julie Kelly, J6 video evidence apparently undermines and contradicts Gonell’s testimony of where and how seriously he was injured — in reality, Gonell reportedly inflicted injuries on protestors.

Jake ended by telling me, “It’s sink or swim, Liberty or Death for me and my family, for the rest of the Jan. 6ers this election season. And so when people are pulling the lever at the voting booth, know that there are … hostages in America that are counting on your vote to free them.”


All articles possibly rephrased by InfoArmed.com

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