Evil: The globalists are orchestrating famine

This week I saw a depressing article entitled “U.N. issues famine warning,” which warned, “Up to 80 million people will be plunged into hunger if climate targets are not met.”

The situation, we are told, is dire. According to the article: “The world is advancing toward a catastrophic future where tens of millions of people will be at risk of famine unless climate change is adequately addressed, the United Nations’ human rights chief warned at a debate on Monday. Speaking to officials at the U.N. Human Rights Council event in Geneva, Switzerland, Volker Turk said extreme weather events were having a significant negative impact on crops, herds and ecosystems, prompting further concerns about global food availability.”

Still quoting the article: “‘More than 828 million people faced hunger in 2021,’ Turk said. ‘And climate change is projected to place up to 80 million more people at risk of hunger by the middle of this century.’ He added: ‘Our environment is burning. It’s melting. It’s depleting. It’s drying. It’s dying’ and that these factors will combine to lead humanity towards a ‘dystopian future’ unless urgent and immediate action is taken by environmental policymakers.”

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What isn’t immediately clear is how famine can be averted by producing less food; yet producing less food is precisely what governments around the world are imposing on their farmers in the interests of meeting climate goals.

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Just a few examples:

  • After forcibly changing the nation’s agriculture to organic, 90% of Sri Lankans are now facing hunger after the agricultural system collapsed.
  • Irish farmers say they will be forced to cull up to 1.3 million cows to meet climate targets. A government plan to cut agriculture emissions by 25% by 2030 will drive many farms into bankruptcy.
  • The Netherlands is the world’s second-biggest exporter of farm produce, yet the Dutch government is sabotaging their own farmers. Proposals for tackling nitrogen emissions mean an estimated 11,000 farms will close.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is slated to impose a 30% reduction in fertilizer emissions, sparking intense backlash from farmers who argue the target will decrease crop output, increase prices and cost farmers billions in lost revenue.

There are many more examples, but you get the picture. This doesn’t count wartime interruptions of food production, such as the Russia-Ukraine war. It’s clear that any coming famines predicted by the U.N. are being orchestrated. Why else is food production being shut down so aggressively in the name of saving the earth?

This is the junction where I make the obligatory recommendation for everyone to get involved in taking control of their own food production whenever possible. Remember, Victory Gardens provided one-third to one-half of America’s fruits and vegetables during World War II. That said, while food prices will no doubt continue to soar, America is not likely to see famine. Instead, this dire scenario is likely to be played out in many Third World countries, devastating the populations.

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There are few things more heartless than condemning people to die by starvation. Famines are cruel, capricious things. In ancient times, crop failures could happen for endless reasons: locusts, plant diseases, floods, droughts, etc. But in modern times, the vast majority of famines have been man-made. It is impossible to understate the horror of such events.

So here we are, looking into the yawning chasm of an unknown future, and being warned that famine once again is on the horizon. If this should come to pass, once again it will be a man-made event – and not because of climate change, but because of meddling governments fighting for power.

“It’s curious to me that, at the very time the globalists are warning about food shortages and famine, their mouthpieces at the World Bank, the U.N., and within the administrations of the U.S. and its allies (notice China and Russia are nowhere to be found in these preposterous anti-food policies), are talking about converting over to a new and unproven form of ‘sustainable’ farming that’s based more on reducing methane than it is on producing the highest yields of food,” observes journalist Leo Hohmann.

Those in power will make the resulting famines look like an accident or an innocent mistake, or the result of climate change – but digging through the dross will reveal the deliberate and orchestrated nature of food shortages.

Comically, some of the focus of the Biden administration to develop sustainable farming practices includes spending $1.5 million on a program aimed at “empowering” female climate-change activists in the “patriarchal” society of northern Kenya. I doubt this will help food production, but it’s an example of Your Tax Dollars at Work, and why government programs invariably make things worse.

While leftists give lip service to the dangers of food shortages, they support policies creating those shortages in the first place. Since those shortages happen far away in distant countries, what do they care? It’s not like they’re the ones who will go hungry, after all. In fact, a Reuters article points out: “The European Union is divided on how to help poorer nations fight a growing food crisis and address shortages of fertilizers caused by the war in Ukraine, with some fearing a plan to invest in plants in Africa would clash with EU green goals.

Let that sink in. They’re saying if taking steps to save starving Africans clashes with EU green goals, we shouldn’t do it. This, folks, is the personification of evil.

Government takeover of farms is not uncommon, nor are the resulting famines. The Soviets’ collectivization of farms ultimately led to the Ukrainian Holodomor. The Great Chinese Famine (which occurred as a result of the “Great Leap Forward” and “people’s communes”) is regarded as one of the greatest man-made disasters in human history. Is it any wonder Dutch farmers are fighting the same takeover agenda by their government? It’s not hard to see the end result.

At the risk of repeating a cliché, whoever controls the food controls the people. The weaponization of food is nothing new in the annals of history, except this time it’s being done on a far more international scale. Globalists and their useful idiots (the climate activists) have been desperate to reduce the human population for generations. If they can’t do it indirectly, then by golly they’ll do it directly by creating food shortages.

You’ve been warned.

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World Net Daily Rephrased By: InfoArmed

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