A new lawsuit is challenging the blatantly racist practices of the state in Gov. Tim Walz’s Minnesota.
It is from the Pacific Legal Foundation and is on behalf of Do No Harm, an association of medical professionals.
They are contesting the “racial quotas” that are imposed by the state on its Health Equity Advisory and Leadership Council.
“Public advisory boards for government agencies are common and typically help state agencies make informed decisions in implementing public policies and priorities. HEAL is no different, but there is an exception: its racial criteria,” the foundation reported.
“Racial quotas deny public service opportunities to qualified professionals based solely on their race,” explained Wilson Freeman, a foundation lawyer. “That’s racial discrimination and it’s a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution.”
The report said there’s no shortage of qualified Minnesotans for the board.
But the state insists “HEAL membership must include representation from specific racial groups, including African American and African heritage communities, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, Latina/o/x communities, and American Indian communities and tribal governments,” the report said.

Stanley Goldfarb, Do No Harm chief, said, “Patient care should never be sacrificed on the altar of identity politics, and state medical councils cannot properly safeguard public health when membership is based on the color of their skin over their medical expertise. This blatant racial discrimination is demeaning, patronizing, and unconstitutional. President Trump’s recent DEI executive order should motivate public officials to eliminate this type of racism.”
The case was filed in federal court in Minnesota in the case Do No Harm v. Cunningham.
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