Corrupt Republicans’ Knives Out For Matt Gaetz After He Exposes Their Grift
By Ben Bartee – October 06, 2023
Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
For anyone except the most credulous team player stuck in yesteryear, the Republican party is a transparent joke of an opposition party to the Brandon entity and its allies in the Senate.
It functionally exists at the national level to maintain the façade of democracy and paper over the increasingly evident capture of the government by the corporate state uniparty. There is no competitive democracy in the United States, and there hasn’t been since at least the 90s, to the extent there ever was.
You have no meaningful choice in governance.
Rep. Matt Gaetz is a unicorn among elected representatives in that he is willing to not only publicly acknowledge basic reality, as he did on the House floor during the recent debacle over the Speakership, but also to live by his professed principles by refusing corporate PAC money to fund his campaign – almost unheard of in D.C.:
“I take no lecture on asking patriotic Americans to weigh in and contribute to this fight from those who would grovel and bend knee for the lobbyists and special interests who own our leadership…
Oh, boo all you want!…
I’ll be happy to fund my political operation through the work of hard-working Americans — 10 and 20 and 30 dollars at a time — and you all keep showing up at the lobbyist fundraisers and see how that goes for you.”
That’s called total rhetorical domination of the Swamp, right from its epicenter.
Forget the feigned moral outrage and tortured football analogies regarding “party unity” from Republican partisans; this is the talk that has earned Gaetz the scorn of his colleagues and, more importantly, the donors who own them.
Now, with the way House Republicans are coming for him, in near unanimity, you’d suppose Gaetz raped their mother before their eyes and set her on fire after he finished.
Via The Hill:
“House Republicans are aiming their fire at Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) after the congressman staged a successful effort to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as Speaker, sharply criticizing the Florida Republican for teaming up with Democrats to boot the GOP leader and hurling personal insults his way.
Taking matters a step further, at least two GOP lawmakers have said Gaetz should be booted from the House Republican Conference, an unlikely outcome that, nonetheless, underscores the raw frustration — and anger — with Gaetz among members of his party.
The amped-up rhetoric comes as the House GOP conference is being forced back into square one — electing a new Speaker — as the government shutdown clock ticks down to the fast-approaching Nov. 17 funding deadline.
The converging dynamics have House Republicans starting to lash out — with Gaetz taking a large chunk of the heat.
“Matt Gaetz just got schooled by AOC and others; he was totally manipulated into doing this,” Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.), a close McCarthy ally, told reporters Wednesday. “There were eight so-called Republicans that got together with 208 Democrats to oust the Republican Speaker.”
“I can’t believe he’s that stupid to be used, to be manipulated by AOC and others to create this outcome,” he added.
Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-N.Y.) said Gaetz’s move to eject McCarthy from the Speakership amounted to “one of the greatest acts of heresy.”
“He’s literally taken one of our oldest institutions and put it into a downward spiral, all over selfish needs, all over Twitter feeds and raising money,” D’Esposito said during an interview on CNN.”
The irony of waxing poetic Mr.-Smith-Goes-to-Washington-style about the “institutional integrity” of the House of Representatives, populated as it is by a den of craven Swamp vipers, and the alleged “selfishness” of Gaetz, with the insinuation that his colleages are altruistic!
¡Que rico!
Republicans , furthermore, in McCarthy’s home district have maligned Gaetz as an “evil” “Benedict Arnold.”
On this score, the RINOs, Fox News, and MSNBC are fully simpatico.
That’s weird, right? How is it that Fox News and MSNBC – allegedly on opposite ends of the political spectrum — come together on a single narrative?
Related: Trump Accuses MSNBC Owner Comcast of ‘Treason,’ Calls for It to Be Investigated
When such unions of narrative emerge, it’s always in the service of forever-wars, protecting the Deep State from public oversight, “free trade” deals coveted by multinational corporations, and the like.
When the uniparty and its proxies in corporate state media are promoting a single narrative in total unanimity, the average American is well-advised to take cover, because he’s about to get fucked extra-hard.
Someday, though, the time for repayment in kind will come.
And that day comes closer with each such exhibition of the intractable corruption in D.C. The pitchfork-armed peasants at the gates of Versailles can only be held back for so long.
A little rain is gonna come.
Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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Source: The Daily Bell Rephrased By: InfoArmed