Originally Authored at TheFederalist.com

The Biden Administration announced Friday that it’s putting a stop to the permitting process for several liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal projects in the name of climate change.
In a joint statement, “the White House and Department of Energy (DOE) said the pause would occur while federal officials conduct a rigorous environmental review assessing the projects’ carbon emissions, which could take more than a year to complete,” reported Fox News.
American Exploration & Production Council CEO Anne Bradbury described the decision as “nonsensical,” pointing out that “It simultaneously harms the U.S. economy, threatens the security of our allies around the world, and stymies global emissions reduction goals.” The move does indeed sound nonsensical if you believe climate fanatics actually care about the environment, which they do not.
The climate activists responsible for Friday’s announcement wrap their anti-energy policies in warnings about the destruction of humanity. Ironically, however, it is thanks to fossil fuels that climate-related disaster deaths have been reduced by 99 percent compared to 100 years ago.
Fossil fuels provide people with things like heating, air conditioning, durable buildings, and mass irrigation. On the other hand, the outright bans on fossil fuels pushed by environmentalists would leave humanity at the mercy of the elements, causing climate-related deaths.
That seems to be the goal. “They don’t want you heating your home with wood, or coal, or oil, or propane, or natural gas,” Federalist CEO Sean Davis wrote on X. “Which means they don’t want you heating your home at all. These little demons want you freezing to death, because their actual goal is fewer humans.”
This isn’t a radical conspiracy theory, as the environmentalists contend. Indeed, powerful climate activists don’t reveal their true intentions just by promoting anti-humanist policies; they outright tell us that depopulation is their ultimate goal.
Here’s environmentalist professor and World Economic Forum (WEF) lecturer Dennis Meadows saying that 7 billion people is too many, and he hopes for a “peaceful” extermination of 5 or 6 billion:
Men like Meadows, WEF founder and chairman Klaus Schwab, and Blackrock CEO Larry Fink aren’t authentic climate activists who care about the planet or humanity. They preach about saving the planet but constantly fly to climate conferences on private jets and live in high-energy-consuming mansions.
These wealthy elites posing as environmentalists are the ultimate fraudsters. A decade ago, they were promoting natural gas as a replacement for coal. Today, they’ve aimed their fire at natural gas. Likewise, we’ve been told electric vehicles are the environmentally friendly replacement for gas-powered vehicles. Today, however, environmentalists oppose all privately owned vehicles.
Climate policies only serve to disempower, impoverish, and ultimately kill the masses. For instance, environmentalists are pushing for an end to meat and dairy consumption —sustenances packed with nutrients essential for human flourishing.
The only way to force people to trade in their steaks for bugs and lab-grown meat is by artificially causing food shortages. Enter the war on farmers, particularly those in the Netherlands — the EU’s largest exporter of meat. Artificial food shortages mean nutritional deficiencies and starvation, i.e., depopulation.
Meanwhile, environmentalists incessantly guilt young people into not having children for the sake of the earth, with celebrities like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leading by example and vowing to only have a maximum of two children. A 2021 study found that 39 percent of young people are now “hesitant to have children” because of climate change.
Another component of the depopulation plan is West’s transition into Neo-feudalism. During the U.N.’s 2014 climate conference in Paris, U.N. Climate Chief Christiana Figueres admitted the conference aims “to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
Why would Figueres want to do that, given industrialization saved countless lives from climate-related disasters, lifted people out of poverty, and raised the standard of living?
The answer is that the Industrial Revolution empowered regular people and was responsible for the emergence of the middle class. Globalists like Figueres prefer a system of government where corporations are in crony partnership with the government supposedly for the sake of things like “equity” and the “environment.” It’s already started. Consider all the government tax breaks and subsidies that go to mega-corporations eager to profit off the shift to an “eco-friendly” utopia.
However, they can’t totally destroy the power of the populace if private ownership still exists. Currently, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. As the WEF stated in its 2016 promotional video, by 2030, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”
Oddly enough, policies that impoverish people harm the earth. Wealthier nations have cleaner environments and put less strain on natural resources. Poverty does, however, fuel reliance on centralized government.
Policies such as eliminating gas stoves, banning meat, controlling thermostats, and heavily restricting freedom of movement annihilate personal freedoms, not CO2 emissions. Beyond empowering globalists in Davos, abolishing fossil fuels, reducing birth rates, and creating artificial food shortages will dramatically reduce the global population. If the human populace is vulnerable, poor, malnourished, and without basic necessities for survival, Meadows will get his wish, and billions will die.
Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at evita@thefederalist.com.